Sims, Leir Say They Might Have Hard Evidence of Abduction

Excerpted from: CNI News - Volume 15.8, February 26, 1996.
Published by the ISCNI News Center, Editor: Michael Lindemann

by Debra L. Lindemann

This article summarizes a lecture given by Dr. Roger Leir at a public meeting in Thousand Oaks, California on February 23, 1996, sponsored by the local chapter of MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network). Dr. Leir is a California surgeon who has removed what may be actual alien implants from two people brought to him by hypno- anesthesia therapist and abduction researcher Derrel Sims of Houston, Texas. Derrel Sims was the main speaker at the Thousand Oaks meeting but turned the podium over to Dr. Leir for the medical part of the presentation.

On August 19, 1995, several alleged "implants" were surgically removed from two abductees who have been working with Sims. If preliminary findings are confirmed by further laboratory testing, these implants might provide hard evidence that the abduction phenomenon is a reality.

Dr. Leir removed a total of three objects, two from one patient and one from a second patient. Both specimens in the first patient, a woman, were located in her large toe, one on each side of the toe. The third object was removed from the back of the left hand of the second patient, a man, slightly above the web area between the thumb and the index finger.

According to Sims, these people were originally unaware that they had the implants. The objects were accidently discovered on x-rays taken for unrelated reasons. At the time, these individuals were seeing Derrel, as there were indications that they had a history of abduction. After extensive interviews were taken by Derrel, he ordered copies of their medical records and these objects came under scrutiny. There was no pain associated with these implants, and neither patient had any prior sensation of foreign objects in the body. Another peculiar fact is that these implants also left no sign of entry into the body; if there was an initial incision, it healed so perfectly that there was no outward scar.

To help locate the implants more specifically prior to surgery, Dr. Leir used a stud finder and a gauss meter. A gauss meter measures electromagnetic fields. When the gauss meter was put near the object in the man's hand, the meter "went crazy." Dr. Leir first tested the man with the gauss meter indoors, then took him outdoors away from all other magnetic influences. The results were the same. Similarly, when he used the stud finder, it lit up brightly over the man's hand, so they knew there was something there.

Prior to the surgery, both individuals received a type of local anesthetic which would normally anesthetize the area of surgery for up to six hours. While Dr. Leir was searching within the woman's toe for the first implant, he accidently touched the object and the patient "almost jumped off the table." Dr. Leir explained that the only time a surgeon gets this type of pain reaction under anesthesia is when something, in this case the object, is in close proximity to a nerve fiber. This is because the nerve fiber arouses the sensation of pain directly in the patient's brain, outside of the field of anesthesia. This happened in all three spots with both patients. When the objects were extracted, both patients had the same painful response. This led Dr. Leir to the realization that these objects were somehow attached to nerves.

The first object removed was flat and approximately triangular shaped, about half a centimeter on each side. Though metallic inside, it was covered with a thick, dense gray membrane. Dr. Leir tried to cut into the membrane with a scalpel, but couldn't.

When foreign objects have been in the human body for a long time, they do get covered with a dense fibrous coating, but usually such material can be scraped off with a blade. In this case, however, the membrane was nearly impossible to remove. A similar coating was found on all three objects.

Dr. Leir's next concern was how to safeguard and preserve the objects until they could be transported to a lab for analysis. In other cases of alleged implant retrievals, objects have reportedly turned to powder, disintegrated, or somehow disappeared. Dr. Leir decided the safest way to store these objects for transport was in the patients' own biological fluid. He had his nurse withdraw blood from each of the patients, then removed the serum in a centrifuge, mixed it with an anticoagulant preservative, and placed each implant in a vial filled with the fluid. Derrel Sims then took them back to Houston for further analysis.

Dr. Leir was responsible for the biological end of the implant research. So, after the objects were removed, he sent samples of surrounding tissue to a local pathologist. When the objects were taken out, Dr. Leir had noticed that the tissue around them was a discolored gray tone, not the color normally seen in tissue inflammation surrounding a foreign object. He received three reports back from the pathologist, one for each of the tissue samples. He was excited to see that none of the samples showed any signs of inflammation.

Normally there is an inflammation response to any foreign object in the body. This results from white blood cell activity in the area, attempting to rid the body of what it considers garbage that doesn't belong there. If the object is something soft, like a sliver, the body is able to disintegrate it and take it away one piece at a time. If the body can't remove the foreign object, it does the next best thing. Thousands of cells join together in a process called differentiation, changing form and surrounding the object to wall it off and separate it from the rest of the body. Any type of foreign object placed in the body -- whether by accident, such as a splinter, or something surgically inserted by a doctor -- will show this type of inflammation. So it was extremely strange that the pathology reports on these objects showed no inflammatory cells at all.

Another strange thing was also discovered. In the tissue around each implant, there were numerous nerve endings that didn't belong there. None of the investigators could say why these nerve endings were there, but it suggests the possibility that the implants act as some kind of monitoring device through attachment to the nervous system. [but not a control device?]

When Derrel Sims got the objects back to Houston, his first test was to expose them to ultraviolet light. He found that they all glowed brilliant fluorescent green. Derrel has found in his research with abductees that patches of some substance, invisible to the naked eye but fluorescent under black light, sometimes show up on the abductee's body following an abduction. He suspects that whatever this substance is, it could result from direct physical contact with the body of the abductor. With this in mind, he said he was not surprised to see that the three removed objects were fluorescent.

Later, Derrel dried out the three objects, and the membranes surrounding them became quite brittle. He was then able to scrape some of the membrane material off and send it back to Dr. Leir for analysis. After scraping off the brittle membrane, he found a highly magnetic, metallic, shiny black material inside.

When Dr. Leir received the three different scrapings of the membrane coatings from Derrel Sims, he sent them out to three separate pathologists. When the reports came back, it turned out that the main ingredient in this very tough membrane was something simply made from blood. In this bloody mass were some brown granules. The pathologists did an iron stain test and found that these brown granules were made of oxygen-carrying pigment from human red blood cells. Besides this, they also found a material called keratin, which comprises the outer layers of human skin, hair and fingernails.

Dr. Leir pointed out that if medical science could figure out how to duplicate this membrane, we would solve one of the biggest problems in medicine, that of transplant rejection. The membrane around the objects was apparently composed of material from the patients' own bodies BEFORE the objects were inserted. If we knew how to do this, we could put almost anything into the human body and have absolutely no rejection. [the ramifications are disturbing indeed].

Leir and Sims illustrated the structure of one of the implants taken from the woman's toe. When first removed, it was flat and triangular (as previously described). When the outer membrane was removed, inside were two separate pieces of shiny black metal, tightly joined together in the shape of a "T". Apparently only the membrane itself held these two metal pieces in alignment.

On February 22, the first preliminary lab reports came back on the metal itself. Leir and Sims both said they would await the final reports before announcing any details. They stressed that they had sent the samples for testing to highly specialized labs and had not indicated anything about where the samples came from. Dr. Leir told the Thousand Oaks audience that the preliminary findings are "mind-boggling," and that the first metallurgist simply said: "Wow, you guys really found something here." Dr. Leir stated that as soon as they get final reports from all three labs, they will make their findings public. "I think you're watching history," he said in conclusion.

Prior to working with Derrel Sims on this project, Dr. Leir had been an occasional consultant for MUFON, but had not been deeply involved. Now, he says, this project "has literally changed my life!"

The findings and conclusions are as follows:

1....One object appeared to be triangular or star-shaped. The other two resembled small cantaloupe seeds.

2....The largest specimen measured approximately one-half cm. in each direction and the other two measured approximately two to four mm.

3....The objects were tightly wrapped in a very dense, tough, dark grey, membrane. This substance was strong enough to prevent removal from the underlying metal with a surgical blade.

4....After the specimens were received in Houston, the membranes were dried and removed, revealing a black, shiny metallic core.

5....Prior to removing the membranes, the specimens were subjected to ultraviolet black light examination. All three were noted to fluoresce a bright green color. This is the same color that is alleged to have been seen to appear on certain areas of the skin of abductees. The objects also had a magnetic quality and clung to the scalpel blade.

6....The metallic portions are now undergoing a battery of examinations, including electron microscopy and photospectrometry. No data is available at this time.

7....Tissues that were removed from an area surrounding the objects were sent for pathological analysis and revealed the following:

Numerous peripheral nerves and pressure receptors, no inflammation, either acute or chronic, no inflammatory cells or infiltrates, no fibrosis.

This is not the usual finding in foreign body tissue reactions.

8....Next a portion of the membrane was sent in independently. The results were as follows:

Proteinaceous Coagulum (made from blood protein).....
Keratin (the most superficial layer of the skin and the substance that makes the outer structures of the body such as hair and nails)


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